
this too shall pass.

Going to focus on this for, like, forever.
I feel like I need to apologize for my last post. I would like to delete it, but at the same time I feel a tremendous need to leave it alone. I didn't advertise it on my usual social media sites that I'd written it; it really was just documentation for my soul. And so no. No, I do NOT need to apologize for my last entry and will not be deleting it. For now. 

I'm sort of a huge emotional mess at the moment (I don't know if you can tell or not)--something happened at work a week or so ago, and it's made me doubt every single thing about what I've been doing for the last 20 years. And so this weekend I was having a crisis of faith in myself. And last night. And this morning. And probably on my drive in tomorrow, too. I do usually try to keep these to myself, but then I went into crisis mode and ended up vomiting it out here. (Also, I may also be taunting the Universe, daring It. This is the closest I get to daredevil-like behavior.)

Further, I confess: I may have an issue with fits of melodrama, and an inability to deny my inner Greta Garbo from surfacing now and then. Sooo...sorry if you read that while you were eating or anything. (Are we still friends?)

Here, let me make it up to you...please enjoy the following uplifting pieces of soul food:

Have a happy week full of self love and Velveteen Rabbit growth. I will be doing deep belly breaths and playing THIS fun game with all my favorite people:

(I'm Herbalist of the Fairy Folk, by the way, but I tried it with my middle name and came out Stargazer of the Fairy Folk which I feel is more "me." I tend to make plants recoil in fear when I come near them...it may be my inability to remember to water them and, you know, basically help them stay alive.)

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